Cuidar tu salud bucal es esencial tanto si llevas ortodoncia como si no. Aquí te compartimos algunos consejos clave para mantener una sonrisa saludable:
1. Cepillado adecuado:
Cepíllate al menos dos veces al día con un cepillo de cerdas suaves. Si usas brackets, emplea un cepillo especial para alcanzar las áreas difíciles.
You’ll typically see longer videos on a business’s website or YouTube. Video and podcast hosting provider, Wistia, uses long-form video to educate its audience about the cost of video production.
2. Uso de hilo dental:
El hilo dental o los cepillos interdentales son imprescindibles para eliminar los restos de comida entre los dientes y evitar la acumulación de placa.
Now, YouTube creators and businesses alike benefit from sharing a mix of long and short content—all on one platform. The wide array of video marketing channels means that your strategy needs to be flexible. Each platform—whether it’s YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or your website—has its own best practices for video. Choosing to create either short-form videos or long-form videos isn’t really an option if you want your content strategy to be successful in 2023 and beyond. Both long-form and short-form videos have their place in your content plan. Keep reading to learn more about each type of video content and when you should use them for your business.
3. Evita alimentos pegajosos o duros:
Si tienes brackets o retenedores, limita el consumo de alimentos que puedan dañarlos, como caramelos, chicles o frutos secos.
Make sure when you’re thinking about the duration of your videos that you first research the platforms where you want to share them. The last thing you want to do is invest in a video that doesn’t work where you want to share it.
Cuida tu sonrisa todos los días! Con hábitos sencillos, puedes prevenir enfermedades bucales y lucir dientes fuertes y saludables.
4. Hidratación y dieta equilibrada:
Beber agua ayuda a mantener tu boca limpia, mientras que una dieta rica en frutas, verduras y lácteos fortalece tus dientes.